One good idea can change the world -
a good idea with MI can do it better and faster!
We are a non-profit organization (NPO) that fosters utilization of Machine Intelligence (MI) for Public Good through applied research.
Let Public Good sector benefit from intelligent algorithms!

This video was created with the help of MI technologies.
AI-generated soundtrack was composed using AIVA plattform:,
and AI-powered voice over using Speechelo:
We collaborate with nonprofit organizations and scientists working for Public Good to identify important problems to research on and to find solutions benefiting Public Good using Machine Intelligence technologies like advanced data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, process mining or robotic process automation. Together with our partners we create and execute the MI research projects, take care of project financing (i.e. at no cost to the NPO/researcher), share project results broadly in the public domain and explore ways to best leverage the project outcome.
If you are an NPO or an individual researcher with an idea where MI can help the delivery of Public Good, MI4People will find a way to give it a chance and to foster its realization.
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